Please help us keep the courts of Rincon playable.

Play Rincon Racket Club is a volunteer group of tennis and pickleball players that have come together to maintain the courts at the Deportivo in Rincon, Puerto Rico.
We do this through donations and volunteer labor efforts to power wash, replace nets, make surface repairs and do line painting. Hurricane Maria and the ravages of the sun and humidity require continuous vigilance to keep the courts playable for all to enjoy and your participation is crucial.
For many years this effort was managed by Jim Davidson, who passed away in November of 2021. We wish to honor his memory, friendship, and devotion to continue his work with a tournament.
All proceeds from the event will go to ongoing maintenance to continue Jim’s vision to create a healthy, safe and clean facility that can make us all proud.

Please join or support our efforts. Submit the form for more details regarding the tournament.
Thank You To Our Sponsors